Great moments captured!

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Chiharu Shiota

 Chiharu Shiota

Born 1972 in Osaka, Japan.
Lives and works in Berlin, Germany.

"When I dream... I feel the dream as reality. I can't distinguish between dream and reality. When I wake up, I have the feeling I'm still dreaming."

Chiharu Shiota's labyrinthine installations weave a complex web from waking life and fading memories

In performances and installations she is preoccupied with remembrance and oblivion. Earth and water recall the lasting and the fleeting. There is a concern with drifting between the cultures of Asia and Europe as also with a farewell to childhood.

The young Japanese artist Chiharu Shiota deals generously with her dreams. Her installations and performances lead into sleep, night and the self-forgetfulness of the dreaming body. Far from Japan, her loss of orientation and her fear of losing the personal and individual have become the leitmotifs of her art. From them arise theatrical images inviting viewers´ participation.

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Francois Robert works from bones "STOP THE VIOLENCE!"


Francois Robert creates iconic shapes, using dozens of real human bones. He spends entire days on his knees, but the results are truly exceptional.

Francois has always been fascinated by skeletons, but it wasn’t until a day, in the mid 1990s, that he came face to face with one. He was at a yard sale, in Michigan, checking out some desks, for his office. He stumbled across three, two of which were empty, and the third, with a complete human skeleton, inside. He took them all to his studio.

In 2007 he decided to turn to the skeleton in his closet. Because its parts were wired together, for educational purposes, the artist decided he needed one that could be broken down into pieces. So he traded his skeleton, for a box filled with 206 real human bones.
Since then, Francois Robert has been spending most of his days, on his knees, arranging even the tiniest bones into the right position, for the perfect shot. His collection is called “Stop the Violence”, and it was inspired by the author’s fear of death. He says “”The bones are something left behind, a form of memory, I try to treat that person on my studio floor with respect.”


Francois Robert'as kuria aikoniskas formas, naudodamas daugybe tikru zmoniu kaulu. Jis praleidzia visa diena ant keliu, bet rezultatas buna tikrai isskirtinis!

Francois visada zavejosi skeletais, bet tai neivyko kol 1990 metu viduryje jis susidure su vienu skeletu akis i aki. Jis buvo lauko ispardavime, Michigane, kur jis ieskojo keleta stalu savo ofisui. Jis susidura tada su vienu, dviem, kurie buvo tusti ir treciu, kuris buvo pilnas zmogaus skeletas. Jis juos visus nusiveze i studija.

2007 metais Robertas nusprende skeletus ideti i spinta nes ju dalys buvo sukungtos vielomis mokymo tikslams. Tada jis nusprende kad jam reikia skeleto kuri lengvai galetu issardyti i atskiras dalis. Tai jis ismaine tuos skeletus i pilnus zmoniu kaulus i deze su 2o6 zmoniu kaulais.
Nuo tada Robertas Francois leido dienas ant keliu, derindamas net maziausius kaulus tam tikrose pozicijose, projekto nuotraukoms padaryti...
Jo kolekcija vadinas "Stop smurtui!", ikvepta autoriaus mirties baimes. 
Jis sako kad kaulai yra kazkas palikto, prisiminimu forma, todel as bandau su tuo zmogumi savo studijoje elgtis pagarbiai...  

You have read this article art from bones / bone sculpture / Francois Robert art / Francois Robert sculptures / Francois Robert works / picture from bones / stop for violence / stop the crime / Stop the violence with the title November 2011. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!