Good song! Nice video! And the girl has something!

Kaskade feat. Dragonette - Fire In Your New Shoes Lyrics

I like that outfit.............The zippers pinchin............But if you want it any tighter we can sinch it..............Dress up in leather.............Wear every color...........I'm going Loco-co.................With sequence in the center

So come...............Twirl your dresses around.................
Lift your cotton socks on................And turn your cameras on.............Now for the fun

While I light a fire in your new shoes.............
If you should smile and look so surprised...............While I light a fire in your new shoes........................Let's hope that your soles don't burn to the floor

I light the fire
I light the fire

Buttons are busted.............We're decorated................We make an ornament....................With gold and silver plating
So whats the latest................We raise a fever.........We're just all red inside..........................That's all to see here

Yeah we're red inside.................We're all red inside.............And the leg bones connected to the one in the thigh
We're red inside................We're all red inside...................And the leg bones connected to the one in the thigh

So co-o-o-ome
Twirl your dresses arou-ou-ou-ound..................Lift your cotton socks sa-sa-sa-sa.................Turn your cameras o-o-o-o-o

While I light a fire in your new shoes.................If you should smile and look so surprised...............While I light a fire in your new shoes..............Let's hope that your soles don't burn to the floor

While I light a fire in your new shoes.....................If you should smile and look so surprised......................While I light a fire in your new shoes.................Let's hope that your soles don't burn to the floor

While I light a fire
I light a fire
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Here it is, an extraordinary art of body, that I could call unusual. Though it catch an eye and leaves vary big impression about it's colours and details. Those paintings were done to the last and smallest detail that gives us a taste of reality and some of them are vary tricky and even hard to see where is the human body. 
And... In the end... You never know, maybe someday you gonna use this idea of painted dress or sexy corset.. ;)

Stai nuostabus kuno menas, kuri butu galima pavadinti neiprastu, bet kuris vistiek traukia aki ir palieka nemaza ispudi savo spalvomis ir detalemis. Tapyba iki maziausios smulkmenos suteikianti realybes skoni ir kaikuriuose atvejuose trikdanti aki iki tiek kad net sunku pastebet kur istikruju yra zmogaus kunas. 
Ir... Galu gale... Niekada negali zinoti... Gal kada nors imsi ir panaudosi viena is siu ideju, kaip tapyta suknele ar seksualus korsetas... ;)

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In Lithuanian...
Moteris vs Vyras

"Moteris zino savo verte, o vyras jos kaina" is posakio "Moteris zino meiles verte, o vyras tik kaina.."

Abiem atvejais esme panasi..moteris bando bemaz visada izvelgt svarbuma, esme ir prasme kazko egzistencijoj, o vyras wiska beveik vertina materialiai ir nusprendzia ar apsimoka tam kaskam egzituoti.. 
Dar vienas skirtumas tarp moteru ir vyru.. 

Stai jau kelinta karta pasakius vaikinui kad nenusipirksi manes uz jokius pinigus, ar neiskast jam i tokia kaina, gali sulaukt grubaus atsako: "Gal nepervertink saves!.. " 

Hm...Ir ka tai turetu reiksti? 
Nejaugi mes tikrai moterys save pervertinam? O gal kitaip sakanat nevertinam iswis, jei vyrai istiesu i viska ziuri i viska kaip i produkta kaskoki ar daikta, kuri uzsimane gali isigyti uz tam tikra pinigu suma.. ?Nejaugi istiesu galwojat kad wisos yra pasiekiamos wienokiu ar kitokiu budu????

Na, suprantama tai kad siais laikais ko gero wiskas yra vertinama pinigais, bet tikrai negalwojau niekada kad zmoniskumas gali buti parduodamas.. Ir tikrai sunku patiketi kad merginos yra materiaios vaiksciojancios prekes... 

Negali buti.. kad moteru kurios parsiduoda yr atiek daug, kad wisi vyrai tiap galwotu... 
Juk tikrai ne visos parsiduoda uz brangesnius restoranus, prabangias dovanas ar dar kaska... Nekalbanat apie tas kurios parduoda savo kuna kitokiems fiziniams malonumus... 
As labai noriu tiketi kad yra dauguma moteru, kurios turi savigarbos jausma, kurios pasitiki savimi ir zino ko nori...

Niekada nebuwo ir nebus tiap kad merginos bus geresnes uz vaikinus, ar atvirskciai... Juk esam lygus, neskaitant smulkmenu, kuriomis esam apdovanoti daugiau ar maziau... Kiekwienas esam savaip unikalus ir turetume tai vertinti... 

Juk butent vertes o ne pranasumo jautimas ir padaro zmogu kitoki, verta demesio ir susidomejimo... 

O saves nevertinanti mergina reikstu kad ji galetu eit bet kur, su bet kuo ir bet kada..neturetu savo nuomones, savo zodzio, ar gal bijotu ji isreiksti..nepasitiketu gal sawimi.. ir butu lyg pasiklydus egzistuojanti butybe... pati nezinotu ko nori ar ko reikia...Gal ir butu grazi, bet butu "tuscia".. 
Neidomi, neverta demesio, liudna... ir gal net nezinotu kas yra...
Skamba liudnai...
Nejaugi istikruju vyrams tai patiktu?? 

Kaskodel nemanau...
Juk galu gale wisi gywenam su asmenybem o ne su isvaizda.. Tai reiskia kad mus domina tie kurie zino kas jie yra gywenime ir ko nori is jo... 

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Woman vs. Man

"Woman knows her value, man knows her price" / "Woman know a value of love, when man knows its price"

In both ways it is almost the same idea. Women always try to see an importance and significance in anything that exist, especially herself. When men actually value everything at first and decides if it need to exist.

It's been a few times when I personally had said to man that I value myself and  my personality enough to choose with who I should communicate and go out and so on...I don't think that anyone could buy me for any price.. At least I don't think that there exist such a money...
And it's been a few times when I got these phrases answered to me, that woman knows her value and men always knows her price...
I keep thinking what do they mean by that? ? ?

It's not like I'm choosing which one is better, everyone deserves a chance.. though guys are the ones who really likes to choose... and even look at the menu before trying...
SO why can's we?

And than there were other words:
Do not think about yourself too good...

So are there only left all men who looks at everything just like at a product that they can get if they really want to for a proper amount of money?

I understand that everything nowadays are valued by money, but it shouldn't be a woman. There is no person who would like to be bought?!? would you?
I'm not talking about those who buys woman for watching some dancing or massage or more... I'm talking about any kind of woman on the street.. and men who are passing by... Do they actually think they can get any of them in one way or another?
And would they really like someone who doesn't their value? No self respect, no opinion, shine person without any beauty of personality?

It's really hard to believe that there are only men who see some beautiful and ugly women who they divide into groups. There are some who they can get for parties, some just for sex and some even to show for friends... What's that???
Inhuman I would say...
It's not only appearance, it's never been... So please guys respect every woman who knows her value...
In the end we all live with personality, not just beauty's and beasts...

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