3D art from wire

Oh yeah... that is really great idea to make a 3D sculptures from not so heavy material, see through, and vary simple.. I think it is vary interesting and beautiful.. And the best thing is that anyone could get any kind of wire and practice this at home.. Maybe one day become really good at it.. 
Though it is a little bit expensive.. 
Let's start from 3D human figures...

O taip.. tai labai gera ideja - 3D skulpturos is ne tokios sunkios medziagos, beveik permatoma ir labai paprasta.. Manau tai labai idomu ir grazu! 
Ir geriausia kad bet kuris is musu gali gauti bet kokios rusies vielos ir praktikuotis tai namuose.. Gal netgi tapri lprofesionalu sitoj srity... 
Nors tai gali buti siek tiek brangoka.. :)
Pradekim nuo 3D zmoniu figuru...

And some flat sculptures and those that has connection with human...
Ir plokscios skulpturos arba tos kurios turi rysi su zmogumi...

Animals are great for 3D sculptures too.
Gyvunai irgi yra geras pasirinkimas 3D skulpturoms...